Thursday, 1 July 2010

1 July 2010

This afternoon, I headed to West London, Richmond to be exact, to meet Ann Beatt, the younger daughter of David and Bethan Lloyd-Jones. We had a great time talking about her mom and dad, their marriage, and philosophy of parenting. I learned a lot that simply can't be found in any book (which, by the way is a reminder that there are lots of people who have a lifetime of wisdom and experiences to share, if only we'll listen.).

This morning I travelled by underground and by bus to the Moravian Church House. Librarian Lorainne Parsons was most helpful in locating a Doddridge manuscript from 1743 for me. Here are a few pictures of the morning's adventure. Next: an interview with D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones' youngest daughter, Ann.

Philip Doddridge was a Congregationalist preacher born in London in 1702. He was a talented scholar, able to work in many fields, but he excelled in theology and philosophy. He led an academy in the town of Northampton where he trained young men in various disciplines. He married Miss Mercy Marris on December 27, 1730 and the established their home in Northampton. Several children soon arrived, but sadly several lived only a few hours, days, or years. The Doddridges were smitten with one another, genuine lovers and commited Christians. Their letters to one another (of which there are around 440), indicate that they missed one another when Philip was traveling for ministry and when Mercy was staying in Bath for her health. Philip caught pneumonia and never recovered. He and his wife travelled to Portugal in 1751 under doctor's orders to change climates, but he never returned to his beloved England.

Here is a picture of the ship's passanger list showing John & Charles Wesley on their journey across the Atlantic where they first encountered the Moravian Christians. A historic voyage, for sure.


  1. Sounds great Joe! Enjoy this awesome experience!--Ruth

  2. From your United Methodist father-in-law, very cool 8<)
